Wanting something different for Valentine's Day? This cute bouquet is a great choice for everyone. In Cupid's Love Bouquet Classic form it contains 6 Roses, 1 Asiatic Lily, 2 Gerbera, Baby's Breath, Clavo Japones, and Leather Leaf. In the Deluxe form this bouquet has 8 roses, 1 Asiatic Lily, 2 Gerbera, Baby's Breath, Clavo Japones, and Leather Leaf. In our Premium form there are 10 Roses, 1 Asiatic Lily, 3 Gerbera, Baby's Breath, Clavo Japones, and Leather Leaf. The Platinum form of this bouquet has 12 Roses, 2 Asiatic Lilies, 4 Gerbera, Baby's Breath, Clavo Japones, and Leather Leaf. All bouquets come in a beautiful vase!